Business articles

As Businesses Plan 2nd Protest, Police Briefly Detain PATEL Leaders

As Businesses Plan 2nd Protest, Police Briefly Detain PATEL Leaders

Two officials from the Patriotic Entrepreneurs of Liberia have been released after their reported arrest by officers of the Liberia National Police on Monday.

Where Is the Money? ArcelorMittal Says It’s Paying Funds But Bong Says It’s Not

Every day the residents here in Kpaii District bump up and down the potholes that plague this road between Palala and Zowienta. Motorists and passengers find it extremely challenging, especially during the rainy season.

Liberia Revenue Authority Investigates Logging Companies for US$25 million in Unpaid Taxes

The Liberia Revenue Authority says it is investigating a Global Witness’ report that logging companies in the country owe US$$25 million in unpaid taxes.
